
Dwyer 3200G 防爆壓力變送器

Dwyer 3200G 防爆壓力變送器

Dwyer 3200G 防爆壓力變送器Series 3200G Explosion-proof Pressure Transmitter is a microprocessor-based which has flexible pressure calibration and this product has been approved for use in hazardous locat


Dwyer    3200G  防爆壓力變送器

Series 3200G Explosion-proof Pressure Transmitter is a microprocessor-based which has flexible pressure calibration and this product has been approved for use in hazardous locations.

HART? Communication, Push Button Configuration, Rangeability (100:1)
The Mercoid? SERIES 3200G Smart Pressure Transmitter is a microprocessor-based high performance transmitter, which has flexible pressure calibration, push button configuration, and programmable using HART? Communication. The Series 3200G is capable of being configured with the zero and span buttons, a field calibrator is not required for configuration. The transmitter software compensates for thermal effects, improving performance. EEPROM stores configuration settings and stores sensor correction coefficients in the event of shutdowns or power loss. The Series 3200G is FM approved for use in hazardous (Classified) locations. The 100:1 rangeability allows the smart transmitter to be configured to fit any application.

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