
Dwyer 636系列 差壓變送器 - 副本

Dwyer 636系列 差壓變送器 - 副本

Dwyer 636系列 差壓變送器不銹鋼,防爆,精度為0.30%,4-20mA或1-5VDC輸出The Series 636 Pressure Transmitter is a low cost, fixed range, stainless steel transmitter with 0.30% accuracy. It is designed to continuously measure


Dwyer  636系列 差壓變送器
The Series 636 Pressure Transmitter is a low cost, fixed range, stainless steel transmitter with ±0.30% accuracy. It is designed to continuously measure pressure for years in even the toughest environmental and media conditions. Select from 4 ranges to 0-300 psig (0-20 bar) with choice of 4-20 mA output (Model 636) or 1-5 VDC output (Model 636LP). Transmitters are explosion-proof, (FM approved) and meet NACE standards for off-shore applications.

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