Dwyer DPG-200系列 數顯壓力表 數顯壓力表,開關,變送器三合一的組合
DPG-200系列 數顯壓力表精度為0.25%。四位數顯避免了指針式儀表讀數時的平行誤差。DPG-200被封裝在NEMA 4X (IP66)模壓鋁制保護殼中。它需12-24 VDC/VAC供電,帶兩個報警設定點,并且還有4-20 mA信號輸出。四個面板按鍵操作簡便的配置各種功能。還帶有背光顯示,峰谷值記錄,自動零點,工程單位選擇等功能。
Series DPG Digital Pressure Gage
±0.25% or ±0.5% F.S. Accuracy, NEMA 4X (IP66) Aluminum Housing
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Replace your outdated analog gages with the new SERIES DPG Digital Pressure Gage. The Series DPG has a high ±0.25% or ±0.5% full-scale accuracy. The 4 digit digital display will reduce the potential for errors in readings by eliminating parallax error commonly produced with analog gages. Series DPG is battery powered and has an auto-shut off to conserve battery life. Battery life, on average, will last 2000 hours. A 4 button key pad allows easy access to features without the need to work through complex menus or difficult key combinations. These features include backlight, peak and valley, tare or auto zero and conversion of the pressure units.