Dwyer 2000 - HA MAGNEHELIC?高精度微差壓表
* 精度為1%
* 鏡像比例重疊,消除視覺誤差
* 六點校準證書
* IP67防護,全方位防止灰塵和浸水情況
* 可選耐腐蝕刷面304 SS 擋板
壓力限制:-20 in Hg to 15 psig (-0.677 to 1.034 bar)。
過壓保護:對于標準型號,大約在25 psig (1.72 bar)時,泄壓塞打開。請參閱超亞保戶說明。
尺寸:表盤直徑為4" (101.6 mm).
安裝定位: 膜片用于垂直方向。 其他安裝位置,請咨詢工廠。
過程連接: 2組的1 /8? 內螺紋NPT 高、低壓接口- 一組在側面,一組在背部。
標準附件: 2個相同的1/8? NPT 堵頭;2個 1/8? 連接橡膠管的配件,3個嵌入式安裝用的配件以及螺釘。
機構認證:符合歐盟指令2011/65 / EU(RoHS II)的技術要求。
Series 2000 Magnehelic? Differential Pressure Gages
Indicate Positive, Negative or Differential, Accurate within 1%
Drag to spin
Series 2000 Magnehelic? Differential Pressure GagesSeries 2000 Magnehelic? Differential Pressure GagesSeries 2000 Magnehelic? Differential Pressure Gages
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Select the Series 2000 Magnehelic? Gage for a versatile low differential pressure gage with a wide choice of 81 models and 27 options to choose from. Using Dwyer’s simple, frictionless Magnehelic? gage movement, it quickly indicates air or noncorrosive gas pressures--either positive, negative (vacuum) or differential. The design resists shock, vibration, over-pressures and is weatherproof to IP67. Select the -HA High Accuracy Magnehelic? Gage option for an accuracy within 1% of full scale, located below in the Product Configurator. Also included with the –HA option at no extra cost are a mirrored scale overlay and a 6 point calibration certificate.