







672系列 低壓力變送器采用了可變電容技術(shù),廣泛用于低壓力應(yīng)用場(chǎng)合。它能測(cè)量低至10英寸水柱,高至400英寸水柱。對(duì)于單壓來說,這是非常低的測(cè)量范圍。精度為0.25%,它可用于監(jiān)測(cè)液位,水位,潔凈室,明渠流量等應(yīng)用場(chǎng)合。




精度:±0.25% F.S.(RSS)。包括非線性、滯后和非重復(fù)性。

穩(wěn)定性:0.25% F.S./ 1年。


溫度補(bǔ)償范圍:5到140°F(-20 - 60°C)。

壓力限制: 29 psi (2 bar) for up to 85" w.c. (0.2 bar) ranges; 58 psi (4 bar) for 85" to 140" w.c. (0.2 to 0.35 bar); 73 psi (5 bar) for 141" to 400" w.c. (0.35 to 1 bar).

熱效應(yīng): Zero: 1.0%F.S./100°F (2.0%F.S./100°C); Span: 1.0%F.S./100°F (2.0%F.S./100°C).

電源: 4-20 mA: 9-35 VDC; 0-5 VDC: 7.5-35 VDC.

輸出信號(hào):4 - 20毫安(2線)或0 - 5 v直流(3線)。

零點(diǎn)和量程調(diào)整:±10% F.S. each (電位計(jì)).

響應(yīng)時(shí)間:5 ms。

最大回路電阻:1.325 kΩ。

電氣連接:大號(hào)DIN 43650接頭配套連接。

過程連接: 1/4"-18 NPT male.

防護(hù)等級(jí):NEMA 4 x(IP65)。



Dwyer pressure transmitter 672 series

Low pressure transmitter

Single-pressure connection, can measure as low as 10 inches of water column

The 672 series low pressure transmitter adopts variable capacitance technology and is widely used in low pressure applications. It can measure as low as 10 inches of water column and as high as 400 inches of water column. This is a very low measurement range for single pressure. The accuracy is 0.25%. It can be used for monitoring liquid level, water level, clean room, open channel flow and other applications.

Service: compatible liquids and gases.

Material: 318DuplexSS, ceramic, fluororubber (FKM).

Shell: 318 stainless steel.

Accuracy: ± 0.25% F.S. (RSS). Including nonlinearity, hysteresis and non-repeatability.

Stability: 0.25% F.S./1 year.

Temperature range: - 40 to 212 ° F (- 40 to 100 ° C).

Temperature compensation range: 5 to 140 ° F (- 20 to 60 ° C).

Pressure limit: 29 psi (2 bar) for up to 85 "w.c. (0.2 bar) ranges; 58 psi (4 bar) for 85" to 140 "w.c. (0.2 to 0.35 bar); 73 psi (5 bar) for 141" to 400 "w.c. (0.35 to 1 bar)

Thermal effect: Zero: 1.0% F.S./100 ° F (2.0% F.S./100 ° C); Span: 1.0%F.S./100°F (2.0%F.S./100°C).

Power supply: 4-20 mA: 9-35 VDC; 0-5 VDC: 7.5-35 VDC.

Output signal: 4 - 20 mA (2 wire) or 0 - 5 V DC (3 wire).

Zero and span adjustment: ± 10% F.S. each (potentiometer)

Response time: 5 ms.

Maximum circuit resistance: 1.325 k Ω.

Electrical connection: large DIN 43650 connector matching connection.

Process connection: 1/4 "- 18 NPT male

Protection grade: NEMA 4 x (IP65).

Weight: 11.6 ounces (330 grams).

Agency certification: CE.

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