


?Enidine安力定WEAR系列管道鋼繩隔振器由不銹鋼的纜繩穿過鋁合金固定板安裝組成,用于有效的隔離沖擊和振動(dòng)。Enidine安力定WR系列鋼繩隔振器由不銹鋼的纜繩穿過鋁合金固定板安裝組成,用于有效的隔離沖擊和振動(dòng)。Enidine Anliding WR Series Wire Rope Vibration IsolatorThe stainless steel cable is installed through the aluminum alloy fixing plate, which is used to effectively isolate the impact and vibration.Enidine Anliding WR series steel rope vibration isolator is composed of stainless steel cables installed through aluminum alloy fixed plates, which is used to effectively isolate impact and vibration.


  • Enidine安力定WEAR系列管道鋼繩隔振器
  • Enidine安力定WEAR系列管道鋼繩隔振器(鋼繩吸能)管道鋼繩隔振器是一款獨(dú)特成套的鋼繩隔振器,被設(shè)計(jì)成免受穩(wěn)定狀態(tài)振動(dòng)的結(jié)構(gòu),并將其與地震和動(dòng)態(tài)負(fù)荷相隔離。這種新生代能量吸收隔振器結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,沒有對油、密封墊或復(fù)雜運(yùn)動(dòng)部件等的要求,其設(shè)計(jì)解決了液壓或機(jī)械隔振器結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜和易于失效等問題。此類隔振器技術(shù)已在美國軍事設(shè)施中成功的使用了25年以上,符合美國軍方質(zhì)量控制要求,故免于監(jiān)察測試。符合ISO9001、MIL-Q、MIL-I、B31.1或ASME第III部分NF項(xiàng)的要求。
    WEAR  (Wire Energy Absorbing Rope) pipe restraints are uniquely packaged wire rope isolators designed to protect structures from steady state vibration and isolate them from seismic and dynamic loads. These new generation energy absorbing restraints feature simple construction. There are no oils, seals or complex moving parts required to perform their function. The design has eliminated the problems often associated with hydraulic or mechanical restraints which are complex and prone to failure.
  • 產(chǎn)品描述:Enidine安力定鋼絲絨隔振器
  • Enidine安力定鋼絲絨隔振器

  • inquiry njxj888@163.com

  • Enidine WER Series Pipeline Wire Rope Vibration Isolator

  • Enidine ELID WEAR series pipeline wire rope vibration isolator (wire rope energy absorption) The pipeline wire rope vibration isolator is a unique complete set of wire rope vibration isolators, designed as a structure free from vibration in a stable state, and isolated from earthquakes and dynamic loads. This new generation energy absorption vibration isolator has a simple structure and no requirements for oil, sealing gasket or complex moving parts. Its design solves the problems of complex structure and easy failure of hydraulic or mechanical vibration isolators. This kind of vibration isolator technology has been successfully used in US military facilities for more than 25 years, which meets the quality control requirements of the US military, so it is exempt from supervision and testing. Conform to ISO9001, MIL-Q, MIL-I, B31.1 or ASME Part III NF requirements.

  • WEAR (Wire Energy Absorbing Rope) pipe restraints are uniquely packaged wire rope isolators designed to protect structures from steady state vibration and isolate them from seismic and dynamic loads. These new generation energy absorbing restraints feature simple construction. There are no oils, seals or complex moving parts required to perform their function. The design has eliminated the problems often associated with hydraulic or mechanical restraints which are complex and prone to failure.

  • Product description: Enidine Anliding steel velvet vibration isolator

  • Enidine steel velvet isolator

  • Steel wool materials can be made into various shapes and sizes to meet the requirements of special applications. When working, the braided or wound stainless steel velvet moves to generate friction, which converts kinetic energy into heat energy, so as to achieve the effect of vibration isolation. Braided stainless steel wire has inherent elasticity and provides high damping characteristics and nonlinear elasticity ratio.

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