
Dwyer WTP-R系列 延長(zhǎng)探頭無線溫度傳感器

Dwyer WTP-R系列 延長(zhǎng)探頭無線溫度傳感器

Dwyer WTP-R系列 延長(zhǎng)探頭無線溫度傳感器發(fā)送距離100英尺,延長(zhǎng)毛細(xì)管到24英尺The Series WTP-R Wireless Remote Probe Temperature Sensors can be used to monitor surface temperature of water lines or in locations where space is limited


Dwyer WTP-R系列 延長(zhǎng)探頭無線溫度傳感器
The Series WTP-R Wireless Remote Probe Temperature Sensors can be used to monitor surface temperature of water lines or in locations where space is limited. For greater flexibility, the enclosure for the electronics can be mounted up to 25' from the temperature measurement point. By sampling the temperature measurement every 10 seconds, the 3.6V lithium battery is able to power the unit for up to 8 years.
A reliable 418 MHz signal can carry the measurements up to 100 feet without a repeater. With the optional 900 MHz repeater, measurements can be transmitted up to 1000 feet away.

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