
Dwyer TTE系列 防爆型熱電阻溫度變送器

Dwyer TTE系列 防爆型熱電阻溫度變送器

Dwyer TTE系列 防爆型熱電阻溫度變送器可選量程范圍,可帶LCD顯示The Series TTE Explosion-Proof RTD Temperature Transmitter is the ideal product for hazardous temperature measurement applications. The TTE series has seven pre-pr


Dwyer TTE系列 防爆型熱電阻溫度變送器
The Series TTE Explosion-Proof RTD Temperature Transmitter is the ideal product for hazardous temperature measurement applications. The TTE series has seven pre-programmed temperature ranges that are selectable via an internal dip switch. For those applications that need a custom range, the transmitter can be easily configured for any range between -30 to 250°F with a minimum span of 40°F. The span and zero can be quickly adjusted with a simple push button design. The compact housing allows for the transmitter to be mounted in virtually any application.

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