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ASCO電磁閥如何檢修、維修 和維護?

ASCO電磁閥如何檢修、維修 和維護?

ASCO電磁閥如何檢修、維修 和維護?


ASCO電磁閥如何檢修、維修 和維護?






閥體要完好,閥件應齊全、完好,螺紋、螺母應擰緊防止松動,填料壓件應及時擰緊,缺失零件應及時更換。補齊。此外,電磁閥不允許敲打、放置重物或站人, 以免損壞電磁閥。


驅動裝置應外面清潔;密封良好,密封部位應嚴密無泄漏;傳動部位應定期潤滑, 放置銹蝕或卡死;確保驅動裝置工作正常自如,執(zhí)行操作準確無誤。


在實際生產(chǎn)裝置中,一般電磁閥的泄漏情況有以下幾種情況: 閥板變形所引起的介質泄漏,呈滲流或小流量連續(xù)排放;

閥體內有雜物,關閉不嚴所引起的介質泄漏,往往呈小流量泄漏; 密封面操作造成密封不嚴所引起的介質泄漏,往往呈滲漏狀泄漏;


密封填料不嚴密所造成的介質泄漏,一般表現(xiàn)為滲漏,但量較小; 閥體有砂眼所造成的介質泄漏,一般也是表現(xiàn)為滲漏,量較??; 制造工藝上的問題所引起電磁閥泄漏,多為滲漏型。





閥桿動密封及法蘭墊片靜密封處是否滲漏; 啟閉狀態(tài)是否正常;


將平時常開或常閉的電磁閥轉動 1~2 圈或做 1

How to inspect, repair, and maintain ASCO solenoid valves?

Cleaning requirements

Regularly keep the external and moving parts of the solenoid valve clean to protect the integrity of the solenoid valve paint. The dust on the solenoid valve is blown away with compressed air, and the remaining oil and medium on the solenoid valve are blown away with steam. The drain valve should be regularly disassembled and flushed to prevent blockage.

Regular lubrication

The trapezoidal threads, nuts, engagement parts, and matching moving parts of the solenoid valve should be regularly lubricated to prevent rust and jamming. Exposed lubricating parts, such as threads, should be lubricated with molybdenum disulfide, which not only does not pollute dust but also provides good lubrication; For plug valves, lubricating oil should be added regularly to prevent wear and leakage.

Regular maintenance

The valve body should be intact, and the valve components should be complete and intact. The threads and nuts should be tightened to prevent loosening. The packing pressure components should be tightened in a timely manner, and missing parts should be replaced in a timely manner. Complete. In addition, it is not allowed to knock, place heavy objects, or stand on the solenoid valve to avoid damaging it.

Flexible driving device

The driving device should be clean on the outside; Sealed well, the sealing area should be tight without leakage; The transmission parts should be lubricated regularly to prevent rusting or jamming; Ensure that the driving device operates smoothly and accurately without errors.

Handling common problems with solenoid valves

In actual production equipment, the leakage of electromagnetic valves generally includes the following situations: medium leakage caused by valve plate deformation, which is in the form of seepage or small flow continuous discharge;

There are debris inside the valve body, and the medium leakage caused by poor closure often results in small flow leakage; The leakage of media caused by inadequate sealing due to sealing surface operation often results in leakage like leakage;

The medium leakage caused by the stuck valve stem causing the electromagnetic valve to be unable to close often results in a considerable degree of leakage and pollution within a certain period of time;

The medium leakage caused by loose sealing packing is generally manifested as leakage, but the amount is relatively small; The medium leakage caused by sand holes in the valve body is generally manifested as leakage, with a small amount; The electromagnetic valve leakage caused by manufacturing process problems is mostly leakage type.

Of course, it is necessary to accurately determine the location and cause of gate valve leakage, timely and effectively eliminate faults, and conduct comprehensive analysis and research based on specific situations, adopting reliable and rapid methods to eliminate faults, so as to maintain the electromagnetic valve in good technical condition.

Maintenance and inspection of solenoid valves

The main problems in this regard include: untimely maintenance and repair of solenoid valves, resulting in solenoid valve disrepair, leakage, or ineffective opening and closing; The electromagnetic valve was not regularly maintained and pressure tested, and even used for many years without cleaning, pressure testing, and technical evaluation, resulting in debris settling inside the valve, not closing tightly, and serious oil leakage and channeling; Failure to close the solenoid valve after maintenance, or failure to seal the pipe opening after removing the solenoid valve; The electromagnetic valve dust gasket uses materials that are not resistant to oil or pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection of solenoid valves and strive to prevent problems before they occur.

The main contents of the monthly inspection of solenoid valves are:

Whether there is leakage at the dynamic seal of the valve stem and the static seal of the flange gasket; Whether the opening and closing status is normal;

Check for any abnormal phenomena such as damage and leakage in the valve body;

Rotate the normally open or normally closed solenoid valve 1-2 turns or perform 1

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