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1. FESTO電磁閥壞了*明顯的現(xiàn)象是:發(fā)動機故障燈亮低油耗率、發(fā)動機抖動、排放尾氣顏色異常、性能下降。發(fā)動機故




3. FESTO電磁閥壞了的癥狀:行駛有異響、油耗增大、發(fā)動機難打火、加速無力。行駛有異響汽車行駛時會有異響,具體表


4. FESTO電磁閥損壞,不僅會增加油耗,還會影響汽車發(fā)動機的正常運作。如果電磁閥-直處于關閉狀態(tài),碳罐內的汽油

蒸汽會越聚越多, *溢出,造成浪費,且會污染環(huán)境。


真空泄漏。這將嚴重影響發(fā)動機怠速的質星和速度。另外, FESTO電磁閥或其連接的任何軟管發(fā)生損壞。也會形成真空泄漏。



What should be done when the FESTO solenoid valve is damaged due to idling, air leakage, or abnormal noise?

1. The FESTO solenoid valve is broken. The obvious symptoms are: engine malfunction light on, low fuel consumption rate, engine shaking, abnormal color of exhaust emissions, and decreased performance. Engine malfunction

If there is a malfunction of the carbon canister solenoid valve, it is likely to cause the engine malfunction light to light up.

If the FESTO solenoid valve is broken, the car may experience an increase in fuel consumption and abnormal mixture concentration. If the carbon canister solenoid valve is damaged

It is recommended to replace it immediately, otherwise it will affect the normal operation of the car engine.

3. Symptoms of FESTO solenoid valve malfunction: abnormal noise during driving, increased fuel consumption, difficulty starting the engine, and weak acceleration. There is a strange noise when driving, as shown in the table below

At present, in a non idle state, sometimes a "da da" sound can be heard. The fuel consumption increases, and there is a strong smell of gasoline in the car.

4. Damaged FESTO solenoid valve not only increases fuel consumption but also affects the normal operation of the car engine. If the solenoid valve is in the closed state, the gasoline in the carbon canister

Steam will accumulate more and overflow, causing waste and polluting the environment.

5. This is what is called idling. If the speed is low enough, it will cause the car to vibrate and even cause the engine to stall. If the solenoid valve or carbon canister fails completely, it will form

Vacuum leakage. This will seriously affect the quality and speed of the engine idle. In addition, the FESTO solenoid valve or any hoses connected to it have been damaged. Vacuum leakage can also occur.

If the FESTO solenoid valve is damaged, it will not only increase fuel consumption but also affect the normal 

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