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(1 )壓力負(fù)載壓力過大,導(dǎo)致彈簧管形變量過彈性系數(shù)允許值,出現(xiàn)不可回彈的變形。該類故障的解決措施為:取下指針,
(2 )壓力表出現(xiàn)晃動現(xiàn)象。-般 是由于壓力表的固定螺絲松動,使用*工具緊固安裝螺絲即可;
(3)壓力表內(nèi)齒輪脫牙。一般是由于壓力表扇形齒輪 與齒輪軸的嚙合齒數(shù)過少導(dǎo)致的, 需要拆開壓力表更換齒輪,并調(diào)整好齒
( 4)指針指示端出現(xiàn)變形。該故障主要是因壓力表的負(fù)載壓力變化過大導(dǎo)致,需要拆開壓力表更換指針;
(5)工作- -段時間后內(nèi)部腔體被阻塞,需要清理通道。
大或者指針強(qiáng)度不夠,當(dāng)壓力表出現(xiàn)劇烈振動時指針跳過止擋銷, 跳到止擋銷之后并無法自行復(fù)位。解決辦法為:輕輕拆開壓力

Reasons and troubleshooting methods for WIKA pressure gauge faults

1. Pointer zeroing failure, large zero position error

During the use of a force gauge, there is often a situation where it does not return to zero. In the absence of external negative pressure, the pointer of the force gauge will point to a pressure reading. If there is a deviation value

If measurement is allowed, it will cause significant interference to the measurement results, affect production or daily life, and even lead to the occurrence of safety hazards. The causes and troubleshooting of pressure gauge failure to return to zero

The methods for troubleshooting are as follows:

(1) The pressure load pressure is too high, causing the deformation of the spring tube shape to exceed the allowable value of the elastic coefficient, resulting in non rebound deformation. The solution to this type of malfunction is to remove the pointer,

Point the pointer to the zero position and reinstall for testing. If the performance still does not meet the requirements after calibration, the spring tube needs to be replaced;

(2) The pressure gauge shows shaking phenomenon- Usually, due to the loosening of the fixing screws on the pressure gauge, use a tool to tighten the installation screws;

(3) The gear inside the pressure gauge is dislodged. Usually, it is caused by the insufficient number of meshing teeth between the pressure gauge sector gear and the gear shaft. It is necessary to disassemble the pressure gauge to replace the gear and adjust the teeth properly

The number of teeth engaged between the wheel and gear shaft;

(4) The pointer indicates deformation at the end. The fault is mainly caused by excessive changes in the load pressure of the pressure gauge, which requires disassembling the pressure gauge to replace the pointer;

(5) Work - After a period of time, the internal cavity is blocked and the channel needs to be cleaned.

2. The indicator end of the pointer is located after the zero stop pin

After working for a period of time, the force gauge occasionally experiences a phenomenon where the pointer indicator end is located behind the zero stop pin inside the dial. The fault is mainly due to the excessive distance between the pointer of the pressure gauge and the dial

When the pressure gauge vibrates violently, the pointer may skip the stop pin and cannot reset itself after jumping to the stop pin due to the large or insufficient strength of the pointer. The solution is to gently remove the pressure

Protect the watch cover by lifting the pointer to the zero stop pin and adjusting the distance between the pointer and the dial to prevent the same malfunction from happening again.

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