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Symbolic representation of explosion-proof differential pressure switches

Explosion proof differential pressure switch is an important explosion-proof electrical appliance, usually used in industrial environments to prevent the formation of explosive gases and small gas mixtures. An important feature of this type of switch is its explosion-proof symbol. Let's take a detailed look below.

The explosion-proof symbol of the explosion-proof differential pressure switch is a combination of letters such as "explosion-proof" (also known as "sand filled" or "oil filled"), where "explosion-proof" represents the explosion-proof type, "type" represents the structural type, and "X" represents compliance with explosion-proof standards. According to different explosion-proof standards, explosion-proof differential pressure switches can be divided into different forms, such as increased safety type, positive pressure type, sand filled type, etc.

In the explosion-proof symbol, there are three small circles in addition to "explosion-proof", which respectively represent the internal space, external leads, and wiring base. Internal space is used to isolate explosive gases and protect internal components; External leads are used to connect differential pressure switches to equipment or pipelines; The wiring base is used to connect various leads and switches together.

After understanding the explosion-proof symbols of explosion-proof differential pressure switches, everyone can have a clearer understanding of their applicable occasions and safety requirements when purchasing and using them.

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