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1.AU-300C測(cè)量范圍: 0.1~100.0%, 濃度解析度: 0.1%, 密度精度0.001 g/cm3

2.AU-120C測(cè)量范圍: 0.01~100.00%, 濃度解析度: 0.01%, 密度精度0.0001 g/cm3



2、在燒杯內(nèi)注入待測(cè)樣品至50刻度線處,然后放于測(cè)量架正中央的下方,將掛鉤掛在測(cè)量架中央,“J"形 末端部位

沒在待測(cè)樣品中,按[ZERO] 鍵歸零。

3、將標(biāo)準(zhǔn)砝碼掛于掛鉤的"J"形末端上,掛到測(cè)量架中央,(標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 砝碼需完全浸沒在待測(cè)樣品中)待穩(wěn)定符號(hào)“o”顯

[ENTER] 鍵,屏幕上的箭頭指向SG此時(shí)即為密度值。


Usage of electronic concentration meter

1. AU-300C measurement range: 0.1~100.0%, concentration resolution: 0.1%, density accuracy: 0.001 g/cm3

2. AU-120C measurement range: 0.01~100.00%, concentration resolution: 0.01%, density accuracy 0.0001 g/cm3

Use method of electronic concentration meter

1. The machine is in 0.000 pending mode

2. Inject the sample to be measured into the beaker to the mark of 50, and then place it under the center of the measuring frame. Hang the hook at the center of the measuring frame and the "J" shaped end

If it is not in the sample to be tested, press the [ZERO] key to return to zero.

3. Hang the standard weight on the "J" end of the hook, hang it in the center of the measuring frame, (the standard weight needs to be completely immersed in the sample to be measured), and the symbol "o" to be stabilized is displayed

Press the [ENTER] key, the arrow on the screen points to SG, which is the density value.

4. After removing the standard weight, cleaning and wiping, the density of other samples can be measured circularly according to the steps of 2 to 3 above on the premise of using this weight.

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