
ROSEMOUNT羅斯蒙特 248 無線溫度變送器

ROSEMOUNT羅斯蒙特 248 無線溫度變送器

Rosemount? 248 Wireless Temperature TransmitterThe Rosemount 248 Wireless Temperature Transmitter is a cost-effective and reliable wireless solution for process monitoring. Coupled with the self-organ


Rosemount? 248 Wireless Temperature Transmitter
The Rosemount 248 Wireless Temperature Transmitter is a cost-effective and reliable wireless solution for process monitoring. Coupled with the self-organizing network of WirelessHART? technology, this transmitter delivers single point temperature measurement data, even in remote locations. The internal antenna of this wireless transmitter is compact and lightweight and the engineered polymer housing provides superior resistance to process environments.

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