
ROSEMOUNT羅斯蒙特 148溫度變送器

ROSEMOUNT羅斯蒙特 148溫度變送器

Rosemount? 148 Temperature TransmitterThe Rosemount 148 Temperature Transmitter is a standard device that can be used with multiple sensor type inputs, providing a cost-effective installation and impr


Rosemount? 148 Temperature Transmitter
The Rosemount 148 Temperature Transmitter is a standard device that can be used with multiple sensor type inputs, providing a cost-effective installation and improved measurement accuracy when compared to wire direct solutions. This transmitter is available in a DIN B style head mount configuration with enclosure and housing options. For reliable performance in process environments, this device has a 4 to 20 mA signal that withstands noise and provides ambient temperature compensation.

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