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CCS開關(guān)壓力范圍從.25" H2O至16,000 psi,使用壽命可達500,000次循環(huán),耐壓達25,000 psi,工作環(huán)境溫度達-65°F to 450°F,,能承受頻率為3000赫茲高達40G's的震動,抗沖擊力可達250G's。

所有Dual-Snap航空開關(guān)的設(shè)計都滿足(或是通過修改可滿足)MIL-DTL-9395、MIL-STD-810、 MIL-STD-202及RTCA/DO-160各種要求。這些要求,包含環(huán)境測試,如鹽霧、溫度循環(huán)、濕度、沙子和灰塵及防潮;物理特性測試,如振動、沖擊和加速度;電氣特性測試,如絕緣、絕緣電阻和接觸電阻。

The pressure range and advantages of CCS pressure switches

The CCS switch has a pressure range of. 25 "H2O to 16000 psi, a service life of 500000 cycles, a pressure resistance of 25000 psi, and a working environment temperature of -65 ° F to 450 ° F. It can withstand vibrations of up to 40G's at frequencies of 3000 Hz, and an impact resistance of up to 250G's.

All designs of Dual Snap aviation switches meet (or can be modified to meet) various requirements of MIL-DTL-9395, MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-202, and RTCA/DO-160. These requirements include environmental testing, such as salt spray, temperature cycling, humidity, sand and dust, and moisture prevention; Physical property testing, such as vibration, impact, and acceleration; Electrical characteristic testing, such as insulation, insulation resistance, and contact resistance.

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