
Dwyer HATX高精度壓力變送器

Dwyer HATX高精度壓力變送器

Dwyer HATX高精度壓力變送器Series HATXHigh Accuracy Pressure Transmitter combine high accuracy with stability and reliability for environmental tests and measurements. Consistent and has a great performance.0.


Dwyer HATX高精度壓力變送器

Series HATX
High Accuracy Pressure Transmitter combine high accuracy with stability and reliability for environmental tests and measurements. Consistent and has a great performance.
±0.05% FS Accuracy, 0.01% Repeatability FS, NIST Certificate Included
HATX Pressure Transmitter combines high accuracy with exceptional stability and reliability for environmental tests and measurements. All models come with NIST certificates and are available in barometric, absolute, and gage ranges. These transmitters are ideal for a variety of applications such as weather data systems, laser interferometers, altimeter setting indicators, and engine test cells. Series HATX transmitters consume a very low amount of power and possess an exceptionally fast warm-up and response time. With its excellent consistency and great performance, the HATX transmitter is well suited for the most demanding of applications.

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