
Dwyer765 壓力表

Dwyer765 壓力表

Dwyer765 壓力表Process Gage with Dampened Movement minimizes vibration without liquid filling. Designed with a Phenolic safety-case. Solid front with a blow-out back.0.5% Accuracy, Safety Blow-Out BackTh


Dwyer765 壓力表
Process Gage with Dampened Movement minimizes vibration without liquid filling. Designed with a Phenolic safety-case. Solid front with a blow-out back.
±0.5% Accuracy, Safety Blow-Out Back
The SERIES 765 Process Gage with Dampened Movement minimizes effects of vibration without liquid filling. With this dampened movement the 765 gages are ideal for use in any application where high pulsation or vibration exists. The 765 gages offer dual scale range (psi/kPA) with ±0.5% full-scale accuracy. They are designed with a Phenolic safety-case and have a solid front with a blow-out back. Excellent chemical compatibility is insured with the 316L SS socket and Bourdon tube. A wide offering of ranges are available from full vacuum to 20,000 psi. The 765 process gage comes standard with bottom 1/4" or 1/2" male NPT connections.

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