
Dwyer FDT系列 平頭式壓力變送器

Dwyer FDT系列 平頭式壓力變送器

Dwyer FDT系列 平頭式壓力變送器無充液,精度為0.5%,不銹鋼材質(zhì)The Series FDT Flush Diaphragm Transmitter is designed for highly cyclical conditions. Flush sensor feature prevents any potential inaccuracies due to build-up o


Dwyer   FDT系列 平頭式壓力變送器
The Series FDT Flush Diaphragm Transmitter is designed for highly cyclical conditions. Flush sensor feature prevents any potential inaccuracies due to build-up or blockage which is a typical problem found in most non-flush transmitter sensors. Units have a non-oil filled sensor element that provides resistance to temperature fluctuations. Manufactured from a solid piece of steel, the sensing diaphragm can withstand the most abrasive/cyclical applications. Series FDT transmitters perform well in high cyclical environments with the presence of water-hammering or spiking.
Flush feature greatly reduces chance of leakage. Tough materials allow the unit to withstand harsh process conditions. Advanced manufacturing techniques, extreme environmental burn-in, and thorough residual stress relieving procedures ensure unit will maintain its high performance standard over time.

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