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ASCO-NUMATICS 雙電控二位五通電磁閥里有密閉的腔,在的不同位置開有通孔,氣動電磁閥的每個孔都通向不同的氣管,腔中間是閥,兩面是兩塊電磁鐵,哪面的磁鐵線圈通電閥體就會被吸引到哪邊。

ASCO-NUMATICS 雙電控二位五通電磁閥通過控制閥體的移動來檔住或漏出不同的排氣的孔,而進氣孔是常開的,高壓氣體就會進入不同的排氣管,然后通過氣動電磁閥的氣壓來推動氣缸的活塞,這樣通過控制氣動電磁閥的電磁鐵的電流就控制了整個電磁閥的機械運動。

電氣轉(zhuǎn)化組件將電訊號轉(zhuǎn)化為氣動訊號,電氣訊號輸入控制了氣動輸出。常用的電-氣轉(zhuǎn)換組件是電磁閥(Solenoid actuated valves) 。

ASCO-NUMATICS 雙電控二位五通電磁閥既是電器控制部分和氣動執(zhí)行部分的接口,也是和氣源系統(tǒng)的接口。電磁閥接受命令去釋放,停止或改變壓縮空氣的流向。

在電-氣動控制中,雙電控二位五通電磁閥可以實現(xiàn)的功能有:氣動執(zhí)行組件動作的方向控制,ON/OFF開關(guān)量控制,ORT/AND 邏輯控制。在電磁閥家族中,重要的是電磁控制換向閥(Solenoidactuated directional control valves) 。



The ASCO-NUMATICS dual electronic control two position five way

solenoid valve has a sealed chamber with through holes at different

positions. Each hole of the pneumatic solenoid valve leads to a

different air pipe, with a valve in the middle and two electromagnets

on both sides. The valve body will be attracted to which side of the

magnet coil is energized.

The ASCO-NUMATICS dual electronic control two position five way

solenoid valve blocks or leaks different exhaust holes by controlling

the movement of the valve body. The inlet hole is normally open,

and high-pressure gas enters different exhaust pipes. Then, the

piston of the cylinder is pushed by the air pressure of the pneumatic

solenoid valve, which controls the mechanical movement of the

entire solenoid valve by controlling the current of the solenoid valve.

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